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In a move aimed at strengthening the socio-economic fabric of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has revealed its plans to establish two vital Growth Centres and three Industrial Growth Centres, with an additional Growth Centre under its Special Planning Authority (SPA) in Kalyan.

The Kharbav Growth Centre, strategically located in Bhiwandi taluka near the Bhiwandi-Nizampur City Municipal Corporation, is set to become an attractive investment hub. It is strategically placed amidst major infrastructure projects, including the Virar-Alibag Multi-Modal Corridor (MMC), the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High-Speed Rail (HSR), and the Dedicated Freight Corridor.

Similarly, the Kalyan Growth Centre (KGC) is expected to flourish as a hub for commercial and residential complexes, educational institutions, with MMRDA serving as the Special Planning Authority (SPA).

The initiative also encompasses three Industrial Growth Centres –Angaon IGC, Sape IGC and Amba IGC — expected to drive economic growth, enhance employment and contribute to industrial development in their respective micro-regions.

The Kalyan Growth Centre, overseen by the SPA and MMRDA’s Sub-Regional Office, Thane, covers 10 villages in the Kalyan taluka, spanning approximately 1,089 hectares.

The MMRDA is dedicated to advancing in tandem with ecological awareness, ensuring that every step taken towards development aligns harmoniously with environmental sustainability. The formal approval from the government is awaited to set these plans into motion. This initiative holds the promise of significantly benefiting the selected regions and promoting environment-conscious growth.



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